Oh my goodness! Where has time gone? I think it tends to elude me considering I walk this Saturday but I feel like I'm supposed to be starting high school or something of that sort soon. And unfortunately, that's eight years behind where I am...why do I feel so young and yet I'm supposed to be an 'adult' now?
You know that brings back memories from when I was little and all I wanted was to be older. Everyone told me to wait, I would be there soon enough and I never believed them. Now I sit here looking back on my past four years of college and wonder what is two feet in front of me in this upcoming year. I know a lot of change ensues but a lot of the change that will happen I am not certain of as of this moment.
I know my family is moving to Baton Rouge.
I know that I am going to be on my own.
I know that I am looking for a job and I don't want to be a music teacher in the school system.
Okay...so ADD moment...but that brings me to wondering why we can be so good at something to the point that everyone around you tells you how great you're going to be at your new job (I just chuckle to myself knowing that I won't be doing what they think I will) and yet you just don't want to be there. You don't like it, you can't enjoy it. You might enjoy the people, or in my case you might love the kids, but you hate the job. I know I like working with kids: I love teaching piano lessons. But I have had the hardest time working up a desire to go to school everyday and tried my hardest to like it, but I can't. I just don't. So why are we good at something and yet not wired for it at all? Does that make sense? It does to me and I don't feel like trying to explain myself again in one post...so that will just have to do for now. I guess that's one of those things we will never understand in our finite setting...
Anyway...back to the few knowns in my world of change...
Those are very few knowns in a world of a lot of unknown. And although it hasn't unnerved me at all, I'm beginning to get frustrated that so much is still not settled. The parts that could be are floating around my head taunting me as if they just want to watch me cave. I'm still not freaking out over it and I'm hoping I can stay that way for as long as I'm in this place. I just have to keep the frustrating unknowns at arms length and focus on what I can do to change where I am and wait for the open doors that I know will come.
I guess the first open door I'm pursuing is I have an interview with Children's Hospital this Thursday. Believe it or not, I'm really excited about this opportunity. But anway...I guess we will see what's heading my way...
I just hope curiosity doesn't kill the cat.
Bullet Points.
8 years ago
1 comment:
I hope your interview goes well and things start to clear up regarding the path you will take.
I guess just try to enjoy the ride while you're on it :)
*cheesy statement of the year*
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