Monday, April 14, 2008

The Heroic Slave

This book was amazing in the context that it opened my eyes more to the life of a slave and seeing it from their perspective. There is a lot I have heard about the cruelty and how horrific we treated slaves not too long ago. I had just never read anything from their perspective, which shed new light on the emotions that are involved and the difficulty that they went through. I knew it was horrific, I knew that white men were cruel in that they treated the blacks like animals, but I had never seen it from the perspective of the slave himself. It was always from an abolitionists point of view, which although accurate and heart wrenching as it was, was nothing to the affect of reading this novel based on a true story by Frederick Douglass.

The opening where our abolitionist comes up on Madison Washington monologuing in the woods was...I don't know how to describe it. It made me angry at the man who claimed to own him and hopeful that he would be freed along with his wife.

I feel terrible that men from our FREE nation claimed ownership over men. I know they could never own claim on a man's soul, but to claim ownership on a man is just wrong. I know this issue has been addressed and yet not taken care of on both sides...I just really liked reading this book and seeing a different perspective of slavery.

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