Monday, December 31, 2007

Houston...Houston Do You Copy?

Communication is key. It is amazing how the few things you say can change everything and when they are lost in the mix of emotion and babble chaos becomes king. I have been trying to work through a bunch of malarky with my parents for the past two weeks and they finally heard me say "Hey all the stuff you're blaming on someone else is MY FAULT!" Where I felt that they had been being totally judgemental and had no reason to make an assessment of someone they had never met, they finally were like " person really is a great person! Why didn't you say all these things before?" When I told them I had been telling them everything I told them today and that I had tried to tell them several times, they were like, "When did you say that?!"

Ahh...communiction. Sometimes I feel like I need to take a plane up and write in the sky with the exhaust to get the point across. Something so simple should have been heard but that doesn't change the fact that for two weeks it wasn't heard.

Patience...patience that it will come across at some point. Patience for everything to work out.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Always Learning

Life is full of things where you don't understand why someone thinks something should be a certain way and it really is a decision you should be making, whether or not the people around you agree. I'm in one of those places right now. And to be completely honest I hate it. I don't like waiting for something that I don't understand why I should wait. I understand why other people think I should wait and in the end, way down the road, I may end up agreeing that it was best to wait. I know that if I do wait I may be able to keep from severing relationships and gain the one that I really want in the end, if everything works out like that (which I hope it will).

The good thing about struggling with understanding is I have learned how effective it is to communicate with people even if you may not want to hear what they have to say and even if you don't agree in the end because of differing opinions. I have learned that it is better to state where you stand than to not say anything because you are afraid of other people's reactions.

Fear can be good. But in my case it is usually bad in the sense that it I have allowed it to hold me back from something I should have said or done. I guess this is one of my bigger weaknesses, but the more I realize it, the more I am taking the actions necessary to change it. I will never be perfect and will probably struggle with fear in many instances throughout the rest of my life. But I have learned how freeing it is to be open about where you stand and to push fear aside. Confidence is gained through it all and you gain understanding into knowing you truly believe what you think because you are willing to make a stand for it whether or not everyone around you agrees. It is hard to tell people you really believe something and convince yourself in the process if you can't say it with confidence or are worrying if your opinion is going to agree with everyone in the room. I think people see through that too. They know that you aren't convinced by what you are telling them so they write you off as some lunatic who subscribes to whatever anyone in the room believes.

I have also gained from this that you can't please everyone. Taking time to think about why I am doing what I am doing and making sure that I am not just doing something because I want to please other people around me is extremely important. I have always known this but it has taken me a few too many experiences to realize that it is important to act based on what I believe and know to be true and not because I want to please someone. You can't please everyone (duh, Megan! I knew this I just didn't take it to heart) and living a life trying to please everyone else is probably one of the most miserable things a person can do to himself.

Yet another thing I am learning is a deeper of knowledge of what it means to show respect to your authority. I don't necessarily understand why, but after talking through their reasoning why I can at least understand where they are coming from even though I don't agree. What I hope it will change is their acceptance of where I stand. They may not like it and they may not like all the choices I make in this period of waiting, but I they can respect that I am making a decision based on what I believe and see as best for myself.

You live and you hopefully through all this that is going on, I will learn different things about life that I might have learned much later if it were not for this crummy situation.

You Live and You Learn...Experience Can Be Everything

Life is full of things where you don't understand why someone thinks something should be a certain way and it really is a decision you should be making, whether or not the people around you agree. I'm in one of those places right now. And to be completely honest I hate it. I don't like waiting for something that I don't understand why I should wait. I understand why other people think I should wait and in the end, way down the road, I may end up agreeing that it was best to wait. I know that if I do wait I may be able to keep from severing relationships and gain the one that I really want in the end, if everything works out like that (which I hope it will).

The good thing about struggling with understanding is I have learned how effective it is to communicate with people even if you may not want to hear what they have to say and even if you don't agree in the end because of differing opinions. I have learned that it is better to state where you stand than to not say anything because you are afraid of other people's reactions.

Fear can be good. But in my case it is usually bad in the sense that it I have allowed it to hold me back from something I should have said or done. I guess this is one of my bigger weaknesses, but the more I realize it, the more I am taking the actions necessary to change it. I will never be perfect and will probably struggle with fear in many instances throughout the rest of my life. But I have learned how freeing it is to be open about where you stand and to push fear aside. Confidence is gained through it all and you gain understanding into knowing you truly believe what you think because you are willing to make a stand for it whether or not everyone around you agrees. It is hard to tell people you really believe something and convince yourself in the process if you can't say it with confidence or are worrying if your opinion is going to agree with everyone in the room. I think people see through that too. They know that you aren't convinced by what you are telling them so they write you off as some lunatic who subscribes to whatever anyone in the room believes.

I have also gained from this that you can't please everyone. Taking time to think about why I am doing what I am doing and making sure that I am not just doing something because I want to please other people around me is extremely important. I have always known this but it has taken me a few too many experiences to realize that it is important to act based on what I believe and know to be true and not because I want to please someone. You can't please everyone (duh, Megan! I knew this I just didn't take it to heart) and living a life trying to please everyone else is probably one of the most miserable things a person can do to himself.

Yet another thing I am learning is a deeper of knowledge of what it means to show respect to your authority. I don't necessarily understand why, but after talking through their reasoning why I can at least understand where they are coming from even though I don't agree. What I hope it will change is their acceptance of where I stand. They may not like it and they may not like all the choices I make in this period of waiting, but I they can respect that I am making a decision based on what I believe and see as best for myself.

You live and you hopefully through all this that is going on, I will learn different things about life that I might have learned much later if it were not for this crummy situation.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I Wish We Had Magic Wands...But Then We Wouldn't Have Free Will

I know it will all work out...and I know for now, at the present time, I am doing the right thing, but sometimes it is so hard to find the line between two different parts of life of which both are necessary. How do you make two things gel when they come from two totally different perspectives and you only agree with one side and the other you are only working with out of respect for a person? And how long do you work with that side out of respect before you finally step out and have to make the decision yourself?

Sometimes I wish that we could wave some magic wand or had some form of magic concoction that would make things work out just the way we want them. That you could make everyone agree and see that the decision you are making for yourself works and everyone would be just fine and dandy with it.

But if this were true, no one would really be able to make decisions because we would all be waving our little "happy sticks" at one another trying to make someone else see it our way. It would all turn into mass chaos. Unfortunately, without those "happy sticks" I feel like confusion reigns everything. Not confusion in where I stand, but confusion in how to make where I stand gel with the disagreements of others without destroying relationships.

I guess the best answer: you can't make everyone happy, so decide where you stand, try to work with everyone for a time being, and if a united conclusion cannot be reached, you follow what you know to be right in your own heart.

Monday, December 24, 2007

This is What it's About I can't post the entire book (the text) on here but everyone should know that Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller is one of the best books I have ever read. Sarah and I had been talking about how many people read it and they say it changes the way they think. But for me, that IS how I think. What it gets down to is really taking the time to reflect on myself and the way I live to make sure that my actions match up with my words. I know I won't be perfect, but that is what I strive and that is the basics of what that book is about.

Belief in God and in Christ as the Savior from our sin and living your life based on His love and salvation. It doesn't mean you have to read your bible 24:7, although it is good to read the bible because it does have good guidance for life. It doesn't mean that you can't associate with people who may see God differently or may not believe in Him at all because loving people where they are at and learning from them no matter what they believe is what it is all about.

I don't think I'm doing the book any justice by typing my thoughts in this manner, but that book breaths new thoughts into the old, dried up form of a lump we call "Christianity".

What I do know I can do justice to for this book, is I love that he calls the real deal "Christian Spirituality". But you will have to read the book to understand everything he talks about and everything I could and want to (accept it has already been done by Miller) say that makes the difference in "Christianity" and "Christian Spirituality". At least, I agree with what he says about it and how he views belief in God and a relationship with Christ.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Road Trips and Tricks...No Illusions!

found out this week how much fun road trips can be when you don't care if you're being weird and just plain stupid. Making crazy mixes of songs you haven't listened to in forever and that should not be on your computer ( may want to fix this problem), plus buckling a life-size cut out of a cardboard baby seal in your back seat makes a 2 hour road trip take around 4 hours.

Unfortunately, the ride back seemed to take forever. I guess that's what happens when you had a ton of fun and don't want to leave.

Now I'm holed up in my home enjoying reading Blue Like Jazz and watching Arrested Development. After finishing Flight of the Conchords last night, which is pretty amazing in itself, Arrested Development is something I don't want to quit watching. I'm afraid that I might burn my corneas right out of my eyes this break with as much as I have my eyes glued to some form of technology.

I may have to find some outdoor fun...but I'm not really sure what I will do since everything in Rocktown is only fun if you have a couple of people to go with you. Downtown is fun to adventure in and there is Pinnacle but I'm not really sure I can enjoy those places all on my own (not to mention that I should go on my own. Probably not the smartest idea).

Just remember magic is an illusion because a trick is something a whore does for money!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Road the Max!

Okay. So I seriously have only watched things like this happen on t.v. and I never thought I would watch it in person, let alone call the cops. But let's start at the beginning...

So I was at home, enjoying my first day of break. My dad has been wanting to buy home alone 2 but it has been no where in LR: best buy, target, wal-mart, even our video stores. So yesterday, he decides to tell Laura and me we need to drive to Conway to buy the movie (that's right. Drive 30 minutes for a movie). We were okay with that; we figured it would just be a fun car ride and not take over an hour. Unbeknownst to Laura or me, we would travel to both wally worlds to find it had been sold out. After spending forever trying to get out of either of the parking lots (all thanks to Christmas traffic [yes. It is probably the one thing I despise about Christmas because other than the traffic I love the season]), we traversed across town to Target where we spent a grand total of 45 minutes trying to get through town and the PARKING LOT with less than 10 minutes in the store after we found the movie only came in bulk with all four home alone videos (did anyone else know there was a fourth one?). We gave our last shot by going across the street (which took at least 20 minutes) to finally strike gold: they had the movie and it was on its own! After two hours of searching, we went to sonic for refreshment and headed home.

Then... DUN DUN DUN...the fun began...

I had been driving in the right lane when I started catching up to a truck. So I check my mirrors, see I can get in front of a black Forerunner, and move into the left lane. For some odd reason, the Tahoe that had been tailing me decided they had to stay behind me, continued to tail me, and in the process hit the front of the Forerunner. I freak out and got in the right lane ASAP. Both cars take off, with the Forerunner tailing the Tahoe while trying to signal them and do many other things to get them to pull over. I didn't know if I should do anything since both cars were drivable but the drivers were being crazy, and since my dad had gotten frustrated with me and Laura (we called him several times while we were in Conway), I decided to call Matt.

While talking to Matt, we decided it was best that I just leave it alone, especially because the cars had sped ahead of me. However, in the process of figuring it out, I was watching the cars ahead of me. The Tahoe had decided to get in the right lane and the Forerunner was riding neck and neck with the Tahoe. For what reason, I have no clue. In that instant, the Tahoe, pulls in the lane with the Forerunner, hitting the Forerunner. I watch the Tahoe continue driving while the Forerunner fishtales and does several donuts before finally ending up in the median. I start screaming "OH MY GOSH!" while Laura is saying something on the phone to one of her friends. I get off the phone with Matt to call the cops, am told to go back to the other vehicle since I was a witness and wait for a state trooper. Unfortunately, I had past my last exit until I had reached LR, so I have to go a good 8 miles before I can find a place to turn around. When I finally turn around and arrive back at the scene, the Forerunner is gone.

Apparently, no one was hurt in the vehicle or they didn't care. I have no idea. I just know that now I sound like I'm making stuff up to the cops. However, it made for an interesting day yesterday. Two hours of searching for a movie and finding it all to culminate in an extreme case of road rage with cars that drive away from an accident.

Fun times.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Believe We Have Changed What it Really Means

Over the course of the past year, or really the past four years, I have spent a lot of time, on my own and through talking with others, collecting and recollecting what I think and believe about religion, beliefs, and God/Christ/"I am a christian". Although no one knew that I was changing how I thought, I have been taking the time to figure out what I believe and how I see the world. The first thing I have come to conclude is that there is never going to be definite answers on the majority of the ideas and theology we search for answers and meanings to aspects of life. We are a finite people with finite minds seeking answers on the infinite and the abstract. There are things that we believe that will never seem to make sense. Seek, desire to find the answers, but in the end don't be disappointed when you find out you will never know this side of heaven. There is such a vast expanse out there, limitless in its bounds, defined by no one but God, the only one who is unbound to time.

Even just seeing a picture like this makes me ask questions and know that I will never know but seek to find out all that I can know while I'm here and have time.

I can say that even though I will never see Him, I do believe there is a God and that He did create the universe. I don't understand any other way for the world to have come into existence. We all know that matter does not create itself: it remains constant whether or not we see it, it may change forms but there is still always the same amount of matter in the universe. So then the world had to come from somewhere but it did not just simply make itself from nothing. Thus, something had to make it and the only way I can explain it is God. Someone made the universe, a higher power that existed before time, created time, and created the world. If you want to read more about the whole matter does not create itself nor is destroyed, go to this link:

Anyway, I also believe in Christ and I do believe that He died and rose again to bring salvation to humanity because we are imperfect people in need of a relationship with a perfect God. The only way God fixed that problem was through His Son.

But when it just plain gets down to it, I think that over time, people have changed what being a Christian means. I think we have taken a good thing: a relationship with God built through prayer, reading scripture, really living your life out based on what you believe and it has become a checklist of do's and don'ts that you must achieve or avoid in order to be a "christian". Where do we get that you have to go to church every sunday to be a believer? And where on earth does it say "read your Bible every day or you're not a Christian"? What about the fact that if you don't see it exactly the way someone else does? The Bible says what it has to say and then when you read it it may hold meaning or you may not understand a word you just read. But when does everyone ALWAYS interpret or get the same thing out of the exact same scriptures? Sure there are a few scriptures that people can agree on and that it says the same thing to them, but honestly, we have the bible, God's word, and then everything else ever said about it is someone's opinion based off of how they read it and how they see what the Bible is saying.

Beliefs are what people use that guide them in life. It is a lifestyle that shows itself on a daily basis. I know plenty of people who say they are Christians, read their bible daily, and pray daily but then the moment they are done talking about it, their life contradicts everything they ever say. I'm not saying they make a mistake, apologize, and avoid the same mistake. We're imperfect people, even those who live by what they say will slip up. But they consistently choose to do the opposite of what they say they believe and think ought to be lived out on a daily basis. It's as if they were in the picture below and decide "Ah, I'm just going to talk like I'm taking the unbeaten path, but really I'm going to take the same one everybody else does."

Then you have those who judge you because you don't believe exactly the same way they do. I'm not saying there is necessarily anything wrong with what they believe, but they don't understand that just because you don't see eye to eye with them on how you view the Bible, church, and many other religious thoughts doesn't mean that you are condemning yourself to hell. I'm glad they understand what they believe, and it isn't that you will never see it that way one day either. It's just that at this point in time, they do not see it in the same way as you, so be comfortable with talking about those differences and why you see it that way. Don't talk down to them because people see it differently. Don't start leaning in a corner or curling into a ball with your eyes closed praying for the heathen you are talking to. Look at us as individuals with a right to a difference in opinion and learn from those differences rather than allowing them to split you apart.

I know this way over generalizes and it doesn't even cover all that people could say and do. I've probably even mingled chaos into this whole blog through the confusion of the way I type out my thoughts. I guess I'm just coming to grips with the fact that I don't see eye to eye with everything that I was raised up in. I am glad that my parents firmly believe the way they do and that they wanted me to have that structure. But the more I grow and search and learn, the more I see things differently. I still believe the basics of everything I was taught. But I believe my faith is becoming stronger because I have searched out what I know, thought about what I do and don't know, and come to a conclusion...or really a place right now that I know I whole heartedly believe what I say I believe. I will always be learning and changing, collecting and recollecting my thoughts.

I guess the next thing I really want to know...and may never know is how can we really say the Bible is the word of God when in the 1400s two different councils got together, decided the criteria for a book being in the bible and then canonized it? What if we left vital parts out...what if we should have left parts out that are in it? It was a book put together by men and written by men. Of course, it is believed that they were inspired by God when they wrote the books that were put in, but how do we know that? Where on earth did we get that? Just because it says the scripture was inspired by God in the bible, does that really mean it is? It is just another man putting pen to paper. So how do we know? Will we ever really know?

I guess that's where embracing the unknown and enjoying the ride of searching for something that may never be spelled out comes into play.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

End of the Semester...Just a Few More Months to Go

So...the end of the semester is here, and although it has not been hellacious, I am truly glad it is here. I will miss my friends but I won't miss class. I will miss having a really nice piano to play on whenever I want, but at least we have a decent piano at home.

As glad as I am that this semester is past, I am beginning to freak out with the fact that in just a few months I will be looking for a real job and have to do all the things grown-ups do. No more pretending. No more being a little kid wishing I was a grown up because then I get to have "real job". Play time is over. Reality is setting in and as exciting as it is, there are some scary realities that come with it. I will have to make sure I budget everything...not that I haven't done that before, but I will be on a stricter budget especially because of everything I will be responsible for. Being my own person is exciting.

Oh...and for whoever read my last message I am 99.9% sure that I will not go to grad school next year. It will be better for me to get experience under my belt because schools, in general, do not want to hire someone who has their masters, requiring higher pay, when they are fresh out of school with no experience in the field. Not to mention, that the degree I am seeking will benefit me better if I take time to work and do some research on the topic. So, I am going to take the next couple of years to work and eventually apply to get my Masters in Music in Piano Pedagogy...possibly in Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy (double masters...pretty much).

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Time...Where Has it Gone?

It seems like yesterday I was talking about where I am going to college. What I am going to do with my life was on the tip of my tongue and many people were wondering how on earth I would survive being a music major. Many people even warned me that I would hate, no, DESPISE music after all was said and done.

Now...I'm at the end of my college career, at least for my bachelor's, and I can't believe I'm able to look back at the past four years. Time has left me speechless and experience, or lack thereof, is leaving me with new formed thoughts and a new outlook on life. I am beginning to realize, or really just have to face since I knew it was coming, all that is at stake with the decision of grad school versus teaching. Growing up comes with a lot of responsibility, which I knew, but seems so much more difficult when it begins to slap you in the face.

The idea that in just a few months I will more than likely be paying for car insurance, health insurance, have a job teaching at a school, taking care of everything for myself...crazy. Or even better that I'm going to move to some foreign state where I know no one and start school all over again to help my career...such a huge decision.

Oh my....I guess time will tell all!